Natural Beauty Tips For Face | beauty tips

The face is an important part of the human body because it shows us beauty. We spend a lot of money in cosmetic products to look more beautiful in front of other people, mostly women. Some beauty products to give results, but some pruduk also give side effect. So why not use that nature to get the nature beauty, here I have nature beauty tips.
  • Mix Sandal wood powder, Turmeric powder & Milk, make paste of these ingredients & use it as a face pack. This will glow your skin naturally.
  • Mix 50 ml. of tomato juice in  one teaspoonful of lemon juice. Apply the mixture to the face. It will give you natural glow. For those whose skin is oily,  mix two tablespoons of finely ground almonds with one  tablespoon dried lemon rind and  milk to bind ingredients.
  •  Mash 3  strawberry and apply it to your face. After 10 minutes wash your face  with rose water.
  • Mash 1 banana and apply it to your face. After 10  minutes wash your face with lukewarm water.  
  • Make a mixture of cucumber juice,  glycerin and rose water & apply it on you face. It also work as a sun screen lotion for your face.
  • For cleaning your face Mix 1 tablespoon honey with 2 tablespoons finely ground almonds and half  teaspoon lemon juice then rub  gently onto your face and wash your face after 20 minutes.
  • Eating sweet juicy fruits like grapes, melons, pears, plums etc at breakfast are good for skin
  • Take  lemon peel without the juice & rub on your face. Doing this once in 2  days helps to lighten the your face marks & clean your skin.
  • Those who are suffering from pigmentation apply papaya juice, or mashed papaya, to the affected areas.
only that I can give to nature beauty tips.

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