natural beauty tips for hair | beauty tips

natural beauty tips for hair
natural beauty tips for hair
hello all how are you doing? for the following tips I will give you tips on natural beauty tips for hair, ok straight to the natural beauty tips for hair.
  •  Keep the scalp clean and dry. Dirty scalp in the cold days can cause hair fall, dandruff or even lice invasion. Don’t use hair gels, hair sprays or styling creams in this season. These hair cosmetics contain lacquers and gums that tend to stick on the scalp. If it is not washed properly then it would cause dandruff.
  • Take the hair wash twice or thrice in a week by using any natural products such as sekakai.  It is to keep the scalp and hair dirt free. Don’t go in for artificial perming, straightened, crimped or curling on the hair as it can lead to permanent damage.
  • Massage your scalp with lukewarm oil once in week. It helps in strengthening the hair roots and naturally nourishes the hair from top to bottom. Don’t color your hair with fancy hair colors as it can leave the hair dull and lifeless.
  • Wash your hairs immediately after getting drenched in rains. Else the rain water can cause some infection. Don’t use chemically produced shampoo. Switch to Natural herbal shampoo.
  • Eat protein rich diet to give the nutrients to the body for maintaining healthy natural hair and improving the resistance to withstand the rainy season assaults. Don’t be stressed at all else it shall add on the hair related problems.
  • Tie the hair in neat pony or if hair is too long then put a plate.
  • Use a good natural hair conditioner after every hair wash. Ensure to use the conditioner very little because more conditioner would make hair too oily and sticky.
  • Go in for short hair cut as it is easy to manage and lets you enjoy the natural showers without any worry.
  • Don’t leave the hair tied up in ponytail or any other hairdo if you are drenched in the natural showers. If not then there is high probability that this mistake can lead to lice infestation. This is yet another common hair problem during Fall Season

ok until here just for natural beauty tips for hair, do not forget to read my article
natural beauty tips for face and natural beauty tips for lips

1 comment:

  1. The beauty tips for hair which you had given on the natural terms are very useful to follow in getting the natural hair with the help of the usual things, Thanks for sharing with us.
